Dog Gone: Designing with Pets in Mind


Count us among the pet lovers of the world. We’re always happy to design for clients with pets and to keep their needs in mind. From durable fabrics to clever storage and feeding stations, there are definitely ways to make our four-legged friends feel welcome and pampered in our homes.

We’ve noticed in newer construction that separate dog showers and grooming stations are more popular than ever. Mudrooms have become more accommodating of pet items such as harnesses, leashes, and pet toys. Renovating? You can retrofit your laundry room with these kinds of pet accouterments.

Dina Bandman deluxe laundry and pet shower. Photo by Christopher Stark


There are definitely some areas of our homes where we wish to keep our pets out. We love these built-in pet gates. Clear acrylic pet barriers blend with any interior design style. These are also important when there are workmen coming in and out of the house during a renovation. Pet safety is, of course, a vital concern.

Clear gates from Chewy (left) and CB2 (right)

Custom cabinetry offers myriad ways to incorporate built-in food and water dishes. Retrofitting an existing cabinet drawer can be done, too. Storing food and snacks in easily accessible locations makes mealtime relaxed. 

Below: built-in dog bowls fitted to a marble base are fixed against blue and gray mosaic backsplash tiles and beneath a brass water spigot mounted under gray cabinets with brass hardware.

Built-in feeding station by Collins Interiors

Durable fabrics on the furnishings in rooms where we allow our pets will make everyone get along better. Avoiding certain fibers that attract and catch shedded fur - like velvet - will require more maintenance. Chenille and some boucle, leather, and suede are good fabrics to use when pets are part of the family. 

Runners on stairs are usually easier on pets’ paws and avoid slipping and scratching the wood. Pay attention to the nap and loop of the carpeting and avoid what is easily snagged.

We have multiple dog beds in our home so that our dogs feel comfortable being with us whether in the bedroom or family room (when not posing for a photo on the sofa).


Pet doors have received an upgrade, too. New doors use technology that communicates with the pet’s collar to open and close. Some systems can be used with sliding glass doors that automatically open and close.

Pet doors inside the home have excellent uses, too, providing access to a cat litter box, for example. One client keeps their cat’s litter box in a closet under the stairs, accessible by a pet door. Another, with access to the lower level through a pet door at the top of the stairs.

A fenced area outside can offer a place for your pet to be outdoors unaccompanied. Creating dedicated outdoor play spaces can be fun for pets and owners alike. 

Pets give us unconditional love, laughter, joy, and loyalty. They are beloved members of our family, deserving of beautiful and comfortable homes.

Cheryl Savit